Monday, November 10, 2008

Some New Work

I have been working on several mixed media pieces. Fall ( on the left) is one of the ones I happen to like the best. At least today that is my feeling.
I started these pieces hoping to make something for Virginia's collage project. However they kept growing and are WAY to big.
In fall I tried to capture the feelig of the capriciousness of the wind...and the sense that something is coming to an end.

This one started with a collection of scraps of paper and pictures from magzines that captured the media during the so called "bail out"
I thought that the image of insurance companies being treated like meat on a chopping block was approprite as was the golden parachute.
Some how it all evaproates into nothingness.

These pieces all started with stitching and then the fun begins.
I find if most freeing to work on these collages. I like using gesso. paint. gel medium, oil crayons, paper and fabric to create an image.
Tomorrow I will post two more
I would be happy to have your response to these.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

One Square Foot Auction

The Studio Art Quilt Associates benefit reverse auction, One Square Foot, opens tomorrow. My Rose Hips IV is in the first group of 12″ square art quilts that will be available with the price dropping each day.
RoseHips IV is part of an on going series I am working on'

SAQA is “a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the art quilt through education, exhibitions, professional development and documentation.” I am happy to donate this artwork to further the goals of this professional organization. Please take a look at all the beautiful artistic offerings on SAQA's acution web site/

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

election eve

Last night I need something to keep my anxiety level in check. After working for two years on the Obama campaign it was crunch time.
Every year I make some little soft dolls for our local Alternative holiday fair..This year I was making good wishes fairies....
Last night while watching the returns I took a blank doll body and made and Obama doll..complete with "change we can believe in" and "Yes We Can".
In the bright light of morning we can be proud of our country and the amazing turn out to vote. We are definitely turning the page.